On the sidelines of the annual festival to celebrate Shaabaniya births, which was held on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh of February, College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas at Basra University for Oil and Gas honored two of its students working and volunteers within the Young Warriors Academy, after the Director of the Pharmaceutical Academy, “Tala Al-Khalil,” obtained the title of Maker. The first hope in the Arab world among 58 thousand applicants in the fourth season 2024 in Dubai, and the two students are (Tabarak Faraj) from the Department of Oil Projects Management, and the student (Hamza Abbas) from the Department of Oil and Gas Management and Marketing. The honor came in appreciation of their efforts in providing services. Volunteering to serve the community, especially the segment of children with special needs, which culminated in the Academy Director receiving the First Hope Maker Award in the Arab World 2024. The honor comes in support of the students’ efforts to contribute effectively and seriously to providing community service.