Tasks and duties of the Citizens Affairs Unit
1. Receiving citizens from different groups, listening to their complaints, and working to guide them in the correct way in order to fulfill their requests and complete their work by reviewing the departments, units, and divisions concerned.
2. Organizing interviews with the esteemed and distinguished professor of the college.
3. Receiving requests or complaints from citizens of all social segments (teachers, employees, non-employees and students) and submitting them to the esteemed Dean of the College to express his opinion and then sending them to the competent authority for the purpose of finding solutions to them and then presenting them again to the attention of the esteemed Dean of the College to obtain approvals. her final.
4. Referring requests to the relevant authorities as directed by the Honorable Dean for the purpose of finding appropriate solutions.
5. Follow up on requests and complaints sent by the office of the honorable Dean of the College or the office of the honorable President of the University.
6. Informing citizens about the measures taken regarding their requests or complaints by phone, email, or by visiting the Citizens Affairs Unit to see the answer to their request directly and in a transparent manner.