A professors at College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas at Basra University for Oil and Gas, Dr. Mustafa Abbas Abboud, an assistant lecturer, Al-Hassan Amer Ibrahim, and assistant lecturer, Muhammad Ghassan Abdul Karim, published a scientific research entitled “A New Steganography Method for Hiding Text into RGB Image” in the “International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications" within Scopus and Clarvit portfolios with a CiteScore of 2.1 and within the third quarter of Q3. The research discussed the current problems in methods of hiding texts inside digital images to maintain the confidentiality of information and protect it when sending between the sender and the recipient. The research worked on proposing a new method to solve these problems by using...
Huffman Technique
Least Significant Bit
To include the largest possible amount of text within digital images without affecting their accuracy, to ensure the confidentiality and protection of the information sent between the sender and the recipient.
For more details, you can view the research via the link attached below: