Two Lecturers at Basra University for Oil and Gas Publish Scientific Research in a British Magazine of the First Category, Q1

Date: 09 December, 2023

A new research of scientific importance has a direct impact on the development of artificial intelligence, as the Head of the Department of Polymer and Petrochemical Engineering at College of Engineering for Oil and Gas, Professor Dr. Raad Z. Hamoud, headed a scientific team in which the teaching staff at the College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas, Dr. Mustafa Abbas Abboud, and a number of researchers from Iraq and from various foreign countries. Those researchers were summoned by the team leader because the research goal requires a great effort and an integrated work team. It is known that the research goal has a major role in estimating the level of work team size based on the intellectual weight of the research. Dr. Zaalan drew up a plan in which he used advanced neural networks to overcome the obstacles of previous traditional plans or methods to transform from traditional methods in the structure of artificial intelligence neurons related to machine learning, which are based on imitating the human mind using encouragement to learn or forced learning (Reinforcement learning). Both methods depend on the principle of reward and punishment in order to simulate human intelligence to perform tasks in a way that is close to the human mind. This intelligence is represented in the form of a network of artificial nerves. Usually, this type of representation cannot accommodate a large number. Of the information and commands carried out by the agent due to the limitations of spider cells and the stability of their dimensions, this is reflected in the failure of this system of intelligence when there are multiple tasks and functions carried out by a group of agents, or what is called (Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning). Therefore, the approach of that research is to develop a method of dividing information into groups or dividing it (clustering) so that Lagrange's Equations can be represented, which helped to form the structure of a new system. This system is flexible to greatly increase the number of dimensions, which expands the memory capacity or space in order to help represent the actions of all functions. Which is carried out by a group of agents, regardless of their number, and this new method of artificial intelligence can be used and applied in both smart robots and automatic navigation for all types of aircraft and drones (Unmanned aerial vehicles), automobile factories, and many engineering applications in which it is used. The so-called smart minds. The team leader continued: This system of artificial intelligence was applied to the new specifications of the next generation of smart buildings, which are characterized by the fact that they require low energy consumption. After the successful application of this new system, the results were superior to the results of published research in this field, as The smart controller (electronic mind) has shown that it works with superior performance and effective efficiency, knowing that this new design enables the building to increase the number of controlled functions, know what is going on inside and outside it, and respond to the demands of its occupants by controlling and monitoring all electrical and electronic devices such as lighting, electric curtains, and air conditioning. television, audio system, cameras, electric doors, fire protection system, pool lighting, and fountains. It also managed to save more than 32% of the energy consumed in the multiple boiler system used to heat the building. Therefore, this research was published in the British magazine (Applied Energy), which is classified as the first magazine among the most powerful British scientific engineering journals and which has an Impact Factor of 11.2 and a Site Score of 21.1, which is widely known among various researchers around the world and is issued by The international publishing house Elsevier is also distinguished by its Q1 rating in Clarivate and Scopus.

For more details, you can view the research via the link attached below: