An Awareness Seminar on (Rumors and their Impact on the Work Environment) at College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas

Date: 30 October, 2023

The Division of Continuing Education at the Presidency of Basra University for Oil and Gas, in cooperation with College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas, organized an awareness seminar entitled (Rumors and their Impact on the Work Environment) on 10/30/2023, in the conference hall and under the patronage of the President of the University and the head of Women Empowerment Unit at the College. Assistant Lecturer Russel E. Nouri, explained in her lecture the concept of rumors, the motives for launching them, and the psychological and social impact of rumors and their negative aspects in transmitting false information and misleading others, emphasizing on the important role of departments in quickly dealing with all types of rumors and confronting them to avoid their effects. Miss. Essam explained that the most important ways to deal with rumors in the work environment was frankness and effective communication to reduce the effectiveness of the rumors as well as proving the falsehood of the rumors. In official ways and the constant emphasis on administrative levels to monitor rumors, with the importance of strengthening employee affiliation and holding accountable those who spread rumors that harm the reputation of the work environment and its various employees. She concluded her lecture with the importance of not contributing to spreading or sharing rumors because the process of stopping rumors was a moral duty in the work environment.