Women’s Empowerment Unit at College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas Organizes an Awareness Campaign Regarding (Pink October, Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month)

Date: 12 October, 2023

Women’s Empowerment Unit at the College of Industrial Management Oil and Gas organized an awareness campaign entitled (Pink October, Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month). Under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Dr. Sami O. Al-Tamimi. The head of the Women’s Empowerment Unit , Assistant Lecturer Russel E. Nouri, explained that The World Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or Pink October, is a global initiative that was launched at the international level in October 2006. Sites around the world take the color pink as their logo in order to raise awareness of the dangers of breast cancer. Campaigns and activities are also carried out in various countries. In order to raise awareness and support and provide information and support against that disease.