The College of Industrial Management of Oil and Gas organized a scientific seminar entitled (Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month) under the patronage of the President of Basra University of Oil and Gas Prof. Dr. Mohammed Halil Hafez Al-Kaabi and under the supervision of Mr. Dean of the College of Industrial Management of Oil and Gas Dr. Sami Hashim Faleh Al-Saadi, in which Dr. Hana Nasser Naeem from the Basra Health Department lectured and the seminar was moderated by Assistant Teacher Sakina Sultan Aziz, on the morning of the thirtieth Sunday of October and on the conference hall of the College The lecture showed that the World Breast or Pink Cancer Awareness Month for October is a global initiative launched at the international level in October 2006, where sites around the world take pink or pink as their logo in order to raise awareness of the dangers of breast cancer, and campaigns and activities are being conducted in various countries in order to raise awareness, support and provide information and support against this disease, and showed the symptoms and causes of this disease and how to avoid it and the need for prevention. From it to early detection, the importance of exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and following a healthy diet to reduce the incidence of this disease as well as the need to stay away from smoking and adopt breastfeeding and beware of products that come into contact with the body and periodic examination that reduces the risk of this disease. At the end of the seminar, the door was opened for dialogue, discussion and answering the questions of the employees and students who attended