The Faculty of Industrial Management of Oil and Gas at Basra University of Oil and Gas organized its second annual conference to discuss graduation research for its students under the slogan "Martyr Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq Al-Sadr our Qadhadat "(Quds God himself Al-Zakiyah) under the patronage of the President of Basra University of Oil and Gas Professor Dr. Muhammad Hilil Hafez Al-Kaabi and under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Management Oil and gas, Assistant Professor Dr. Sami Hashim Faleh Al-Saadi, this morning, Wednesday, the eighth of June, in the conference hall at the President of Basra University of Oil, Gas and Gas, and the conference opened With verses from the wise memory, then the national anthem, the reading of the Sura Al-Fatiha on the souls of the martyrs of Iraq, then the speech of Mr. Al-Basra University President for Oil and Gas Professor Dr. Muhammad Hillel Hafez Al-Kaabi, during which he praised the scientific and intellectual role of the happy martyr Sayyid Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq Al-Sadr (Quds Allah himself Al-Zakiya) in his scientific and heroic approach to raising generations and fighting the former regime in foundation of the anniversary of his martyrdom and his two sons (Quds Allah himself Al-Zakiya) The Kaabi addressed the role of martyr Al-Sadr in building and Renaissance of society through his scientific literature and research An important pillar for educating Iraqi youth on the educational and reform approach, and then Al-Kabi presented his praise and praise for the efforts of the students in discussing and reviewing many important issues related to the oil sector, blessing the college near the graduation of its second batch in oil and gas management and marketing, and then came the speech of Mr. Dean of the college Dr. Sami Hashim Falih Al-Saadi, during which he praised the scientific topics presented in the graduation research for this year, which he explained could in the future turn into expanded studies to solve the problems of the oil industry. After that, the project discussion sessions started through six sessions to discuss twenty-nine research in the fields of oil and gas management and oil and energy sector management.